Lake trout
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) is a true conservation comeback kid. This freshwater salmon relative was on the brink of extinction in the Great Lakes in the mid-twentieth century but has since rebounded. It’s generally been considered stable in all jurisdictions in U.S. and Canadian waters since 1993. Today, approximately 89 percent of the lake trout harvested in Lake Superior is green-rated, and the rest is yellow-rated. Lake trout caught in Lake Michigan is also green-rated.
How’d that happen? Let’s consider Lake Superior. Once a thriving commercial fishery in the early 20th century, lake trout populations in the largest Great Lake crashed in the 1950s because of overfishing, habitat degradation, and invasive sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus).
Sea lampreys, which resemble eels (though they’re not related), colonized the Great Lakes in the early 1900s following the construction of shipping canals. These parasitic fish suction-cup themselves to large, native Great Lakes species like lake trout, usually resulting in the host fish’s death. A single lamprey can kill up to 40 pounds of fish over their 12-18 month feeding period, according to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.
The results were devastating. The U.S. and Canadian Great Lakes lake trout harvest dropped from an average of about 15 million pounds per year at its pre-lamprey height to about 300,000 pounds in the 1960s — about two percent of the previous average, according to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.
Fisheries managers launched a major effort to revive lake trout. First, they closed the commercial fishery for about a decade, from 1953 to 1962. Then they stocked lake trout intensively and conducted chemical control for lampreys. In the second half of the century, restoration efforts focused on improving lake trout management, aided by the creation of an inter-jurisdictional management framework involving state, provincial, federal, and tribal agencies. The efforts paid off. In November 2024, the Great Lakes Commission declared lake trout to be fully recovered in Lake Superior.
Lake trout can be purchased fresh, frozen, smoked, or as a whole-dressed fish. A whole-dressed fish is one that has been scaled, gutted, and had its gills and fins removed, but it usually still retains its head and tail.